®Magento Tutorials

Magento how to add category and product

To add a category and product in Magento, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Magento admin panel
  2. Go to “Catalog” > “Categories” > “Add Root Category”
  3. Fill in the category information, such as the name, description, and URL key
  4. Click on “Save” to create the category
  5. To add a product, go to “Catalog” > “Products” > “Add Product”
  6. Fill in the product information, such as the name, description, price, and images
  7. Assign the product to a category by selecting it in the “Categories” section of the product page
  8. Click on “Save” to create the product

You can also use Magento’s web service to programmatically add categories and products.

Note that: Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to add products and categories. It’s also important to fill in all the required fields and to add images and descriptions that accurately represent the product.

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