Home Business Guide

What Is A Home Business Today

What Is A Home Business Today I’ve been wondering what do people think about when they hear the words home business. I am a 34 year old male and I grew up watching infomercials and reading business opportunity advertisements in the paper, this was during the late 80’s and throughout the 90’s. Back then, I thought of a home based business as something like network marketing but I’m not so sure how society mentally represents a home business. In some ways that classification is only reserved for the type of direct sales type of businesses.

Technically, I have a home based business but I never describe it as so. I simply tell people that I work from home. I’m not some employee who tele-commutes or receives a paycheck. I run my own internet marketing company. I don’t even see it as a home based business because my businesses home is actually the internet where I do business with people all across the globe.

I bet that many people should update their idea of what a home based business it, it doesn’t have to be network marketing are anything like that.

I know several stay at home mothers who earn money doing freelance writing from home. Some of them earn an amount that can rival a full-time job. So are they running a home based business? I’m not sure. I guess that I am just a bit uneasy about that term because of the snake oil image it has to many people. I suppose that word doesn’t bring out the same imagery to all people but it does to people who are from my generation and older. We’ve seen all the no down payment infomercials over the years and the place one simple ad in the paper scams.

Now is a great time to work from home. I certainly love it. Unlike most people think, I do not have a ton of free time to do what I want. I typically start work at around 10 am and don’t finish until around 11 pm or 12 am. I work all day and don’t really have time for much else. Working for yourself is harder than having a job, with a job you can slack out and you only hurt the person who pays your check. If I slack off, I hurt myself. I make less money and I feel horrible. I have never worked harder in my life. It’s very much worthwhile because I make a high income but it is far from easy and my days are not like people think they are.

As you can see, it is hard defining what a home business is. Is a home business simply working from home, running a business from home or something else. I tend to think it is a mixture of all of those things. One thing it isn’t is easy. If you ever expect to work from do not expect it to be a cake walk you will find yourself working 11 and 12 hour days.

About zohaibk

We develop useful addons for #E-Commerce and #CRM software to provide extra features.#PrestaShop,#Magento,#SugarCRM,#Vtiger & #Android #apps
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