Social Media Marketing Guide

Avoid This Social Media Marketing Temptation

Avoid This Social Media Marketing Temptation How desperate are you to make sales? Social media marketing is not the place for desperate sellers, but it is the place you can make the fastest sales. Does that seem to be a contradiction? I want to explain to you one of the worst habits I see in social media marketing today, and why you must avoid it.

I am a network marketer. I use social media marketing as my primary source to generate leads and to make sales. When I first started using social media for my marketing efforts, I followed what everyone else was doing and it was a disaster. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Go to Facebook and open any group related to making money. Start reading the content that you see appearing in the timeline. What do you see? You see updates with links, calls to action, and spam. You ignore all of it.

What does someone advise you to do in social media marketing for your network business or to sell products? They advise you to start posting in groups on Facebook and on Twitter. They assure you it is a fast way to make money. They are wrong. If you start posting links, calls to action, and spam updates no one will read a word you say. You need to do something different.

The moment I decided to stop posting to get leads and generate sales, I started getting leads and generating sales. We are back to the contradiction, again. I switched to becoming the most engaging and interesting person I could be. I became the number one question asker online. What does that mean? Instead of trying to post updates no one wanted to read, I started reading what they had to say and asking questions. I engaged in their conversations and with them. Imagine how shocked an individual is when they have posted one hundred updates on Facebook and not received a single lead and now someone is talking to them. You have their attention.

I ask questions about their posts. I ask about their business. I try to find out about their levels of success. I want to know about their family, their job, and anything else they want to share. I am legitimately interested in them. One hundred percent of the time, the questions reverse. They start asking about my business, my success, my family. When they hear I am getting leads everyday and I am closing sales using social media marketing, they want to know more.

This is the time I share my other content with them. I lead them to the videos I produce for my business and share on Facebook and YouTube. I guide them to my blog. I have them connect with me on LinkedIn and add me as a friend on Facebook, because we are friends. They share my content and help me generate more leads. Instead of posting content to groups that ignore what I am saying, I post content to friends who want to work with me. Social media marketing is not about spamming groups. It is about getting social and making friends. Embrace the social side of life in your marketing and watch your results explode.

About zohaibk

We develop useful addons for #E-Commerce and #CRM software to provide extra features.#PrestaShop,#Magento,#SugarCRM,#Vtiger & #Android #apps
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