Web Hosting | Cloudways Web Hosting | Cloud | VPS | Windows | Linux

Cloudways Web Hosting VPS Hosting Cloud Hosting

Cloudways web hosting is a managed cloud hosting platform for growing businesses. Cloudways Thunder Stack  the fastest hosting stack ever

Running your cloud server is no rocket science, thanks to Cloudways Platform. Complete all tasks on simple clicks. Manage your database using Cloudways DB Manager. Create workflows using Git. Protect your websites using SSL certificates. Scale the server resources CPU, RAM, and storage €”whenever needed. Create as many web apps as your server can handle. Set parameters directly from UI.

ThunderStack—the Fastest Hosting Stack Ever


Nginx is a super-fast, super-efficient web server that can handle many times more requests than traditional web servers.


Apache is the world’s most used web server. On Cloudways, we have integrated Apache with all the other components to provide a great hosting experience.


Database calls, API calls, and page rendering are a breeze with Memcached. Its beauty is the simplicity with which it accomplishes caching tasks.


The stack is backed by two of the most powerful databases, MariaDB and MySQL. Choose the one you prefer to use. They are both fast, scalable, reliable, and robust.

Varnish Cache

Varnish can boost the performance of HTTP. For multimedia-rich websites, Varnish cache is a must-have in the cloud hosting stack formula.


The advanced PHP caching mechanism boosts the speed of your server and enables you to increase your performance by up to 300%.


Redis cache is known for its persistence. It acts as virtual memory for datasets. It is an optional component of ThunderStack.


The most advanced branch of PHP optimizes the performance of your server by reshaping the Zend Engine while retaining near-perfect language compatibility of previous PHP versions.

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