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Magento how to enable multi-store and add multiple shops

In Magento, you can enable multi-store functionality to create multiple shops or websites within a single Magento installation. Here are the steps to enable multi-store and add multiple shops:

Enable the multi-store feature: To enable the multi-store feature in Magento, go to System > Configuration > General > Web. Here, you can set the “Add Store Code to Urls” option to “Yes”. This will enable the multi-store feature and allow you to create multiple websites and stores.

Create a new website: To create a new website, go to System > Manage Stores. Here, you can click on the “Create Website” button to create a new website. You will need to provide a name and code for the website, as well as a default group for the store views.

Create a new store: To create a new store, go to System > Manage Stores. Here, you can click on the “Create Store” button to create a new store. You will need to provide a name, code, and root category for the store, as well as the website it belongs to.

Create a new store view: To create a new store view, go to System > Manage Stores. Here, you can click on the “Create Store View” button to create a new store view. You will need to provide a name and code for the store view, as well as the store it belongs to.

Assign a theme to the store view: To assign a theme to the store view, go to System > Configuration > Design. Here, you can select the store view you want to assign a theme to and then choose a theme under the “Design” tab.

Configure the store view: To configure the store view, you can go to System > Configuration > General > Web and set the base URL, Base Link URL, Base Skin URL and Base Media URL for each store view.

Configure the product, category and CMS for each store view: You can go to each store view and configure the products, categories and CMS pages that should be visible for that store view.

Note: Once you have multi-store enabled, you should configure your domain to point to the correct store view.

Also, Magento 2 have a different way of creating multiple websites and store views, you should check the documentation for more details.

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