Personal Development 101 – What It Takes To Really Change For The Better Do you have habits you want to change? Do you feel that you’re not really living up to your full potential? If so, listen up because in this article, we will tell you what it really takes to change yourself for the better. We promise you, by the end of this article, you will be able to take baby steps to really make a change.
A key component in self-improvement is awareness. The idea is that it’s impossible to change when you don’t know what needs to be changed. If you have this nagging feeling that things could get better and that you could become a better person, get into a quiet corner and ask yourself what needs to be changed. If no answer comes to you, ask yourself again and again until you get an answer. And when it comes to you, acknowledge it.
Whether it’s a habit you need to change or something else, acknowledge the answer that comes to you and become really aware about how it’s affecting your life. Don’t make any judgments on whether it’s good or bad, simply accept it.
For example, I was having this heavy feeling for several days when I finally stopped to ask myself “what’s the matter?” Then it came to be that for the longest time, I haven’t been taking the time to pray and to appreciate Life and how it’s been really good to me.
Identify your action steps
It’s not enough to be simply be aware. When it comes to changing yourself for the better, action is critical. So, when you’ve identified your issue, ask yourself what you can do to change it. Don’t overwhelm yourself with action steps that seem big to you. Instead, identify small baby steps you can do right now. Maybe you just need to go to the beach or climb up the mountain to get some fresh air. Or maybe you just need to meditate.
Commit to your action steps
In order to make a truly lasting change in your life, it’s NOT enough to take action just once. You need to do it several times until you’ve seen changes in yourself and in your life. For example, while meditation is very beneficial even when you do it just once, if you really want to change your life, meditate everyday consistently, even when you don’t feel like it. The same goes for mountain climbing and going to the beach. Do them regularly and get organized so that you’re actually making time to do those things.
In order to make things more fun, get everyone involved. Ask your friends or family to do things with you. (Doing things alone is only fun up to a certain point.)
Often, that nagging feeling to change this or that in your life is your soul crying out for expansion. Like a chicken in the egg that’s about to crack, in order to free your soul, you need to constantly push until you’re out of that shell