Personal Development And How It Works When an individual decides to embark upon a program of personal development, and he or she really means business, it is not a frivolous moment. Such a quest is really pushing against the grain because it is not really a natural phase in anyone’s life. The typical state of mind of most people is to maintain the status quo, and to take things as they come.
A change in the status quo is painful and very difficult for many people. This is why so many are caught in a “hamster on the wheel” syndrome where they keep running but they don’t get anywhere. When a person really wants to improve, it can be life changing.
A person must “see” the result that is desired in order to have the impetus to begin in the first place. An example would be an individual who wants to achieve more knowledge in order to qualify for a different job that has better pay. This qualification might be in totally new realm of knowledge and skills, so the individual would have to have special training and schooling. The time span required to accomplish the schooling might take months, or even over a year or more.
The routine for the individual and the family will be disrupted as the individual attends classes in the evening. Soccer games, school plays, and family events, will all have to be set aside as the priority is the classes and studying required for the new position.
As time wears on and the classes begin, the family begins to take ownership in the whole process together and a deeper bonding occurs because the personal development of the individual has become a family project. Then once the schooling is completed, and the person receives the promotion, everyone feels that they have played a part.
This is an example of how others can buy into a person’s voyage into a personal improvement plan. Personal improvement can be achieved in many areas, which would fit the definition. It could be a hobby such as wanting to learn and set up a ham radio area, or learn how to quilt. It might involve starting a business on the side to add to the family income. It could involve the developing of personal skills that could be motivational in nature.
The point is that personal development always requires planning and effort in order to achieve a goal or objective. If it is a skill or a block of knowledge, time and effort will have to be applied in order to make progress.
The most effective way for any self improvement program to get off the ground and be achieved is to write down a specific goal that is desired to be obtained, and then share it with someone, such as a spouse or a friend. It is also a good idea to set a deadline. Then determine what it will take to accomplish the objective. Break that down into manageable steps. If possible, set up a schedule in order to organize priorities, then get to work.
As is readily evident, this exactly the opposite of what most people do. They wish or hope some sort of good fortune will come their way, not realizing that the key to their dreams is right in front of them if they would only take action.