PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

PrestaShop database tables

PrestaShop, like many e-commerce platforms, uses a database to store and manage various aspects of the online store, such as products, customers, orders, and more. The database schema in PrestaShop consists of numerous tables, each designed to hold specific types of data. Below is a list of some common database tables used in PrestaShop:

  1. ps_address: This table stores information about customer addresses, including shipping and billing addresses.
  2. ps_cart: Contains data related to customer shopping carts, including the products added to the cart.
  3. ps_category: Stores information about product categories, such as their names and hierarchical relationships.
  4. ps_customer: Contains customer-related data, including names, email addresses, and customer account information.
  5. ps_employee: This table stores information about store employees who have access to the admin interface.
  6. ps_order: Stores information about customer orders, including order details, shipping information, and payment data.
  7. ps_product: Contains information about products, including their names, descriptions, prices, and other product attributes.
  8. ps_product_attribute: Stores information about product attributes and combinations, such as size, color, and associated stock quantities.
  9. ps_product_image: Contains product image data, allowing multiple images to be associated with a product.
  10. ps_product_lang: Stores product-specific information in various languages, such as product names and descriptions.
  11. ps_stock_available: Manages stock quantities for products and product combinations.
  12. ps_supplier: Contains information about product suppliers, such as their names and contact details.
  13. ps_supplier_product: Links suppliers with products to manage product-supplier relationships.
  14. ps_translation: Stores translations for various texts used in the store, such as interface labels and static content.
  15. ps_zone: Contains information about geographical zones for tax and shipping calculations.

These are just a few of the essential database tables used in PrestaShop. The actual number of tables and their structures may vary depending on the version of PrestaShop and any installed modules or plugins that extend the functionality of the platform. If you need specific information about the structure and purpose of individual database tables, you can refer to PrestaShop’s official documentation or database documentation for your specific PrestaShop version.

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