PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Prestashop debug mode

PrestaShop provides a “Debug Mode” that allows you to diagnose and troubleshoot issues in your online store. This mode can be very useful for developers and administrators when you need to identify problems, view error messages, or check the execution of specific actions. Enabling Debug Mode provides more detailed information about what’s happening behind the scenes in your PrestaShop store.

Here’s how to enable Debug Mode in PrestaShop:

Please exercise caution when using Debug Mode on a live website, as it may display sensitive information or errors to users. It’s recommended to use it in a development or staging environment.

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop Back Office: You will need admin access to enable or disable Debug Mode.
  2. Navigate to the Advanced Parameters:
    • In PrestaShop 1.6: Go to “Advanced Parameters” in the left sidebar.
    • In PrestaShop 1.7 and later: Go to “Advanced Parameters” in the top menu.
  3. Enable Debug Mode:
    • In PrestaShop 1.6: Under the “Performance” section, you’ll find the “Debug mode” option. Click on it to enable it.
    • In PrestaShop 1.7 and later: Under the “Performance” section, click on the “Performance” sub-tab, and you’ll find the “Debug mode” option. Click the toggle switch to enable it.
  4. Save Changes: After enabling Debug Mode, make sure to save your changes.

Once Debug Mode is enabled, you may notice the following changes in your PrestaShop store:

  • Error messages may become more detailed, making it easier to pinpoint issues.
  • The PrestaShop interface might display additional information about the execution of certain tasks.
  • You may see error messages and debugging information directly on the pages of your store.

Remember that Debug Mode can expose sensitive information and should not be used on a live production website unless it’s necessary for diagnosing and fixing specific issues. When you have resolved the problems, be sure to disable Debug Mode to maintain the security and privacy of your online store.

To disable Debug Mode, simply follow the same steps outlined above but toggle the switch to “Off” in the Debug Mode settings.

After making changes or debugging your site, always thoroughly test your store to ensure it’s functioning correctly before bringing it back to the production environment.

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