PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

PrestaShop display products in full width

To display products in full width in a PrestaShop store, you’ll need to make adjustments to your theme’s layout and styling. Keep in mind that the exact steps might vary based on your theme and PrestaShop version, but I’ll provide you with a general guideline to achieve this. Before making any changes, it’s a good practice to create a backup of your theme files and database.

Here’s how you can approach displaying products in full width:

  1. Login to Your PrestaShop Back Office: Access your PrestaShop admin panel.
  2. Backup Your Theme: Before making any changes, create a backup of your theme files so you can revert if something goes wrong.
  3. Edit Your Theme’s CSS: You’ll need to modify the CSS of your theme to adjust the product container width. Look for the CSS file responsible for styling product pages. This file might be named something like product.css, style.css, or similar.
  4. Adjust Product Container Width: Find the section of the CSS file that styles the product container. You will typically look for a class or ID related to the product display. Look for properties like width or max-width and adjust them to make the container full width.For example, if you have a class called .product-container, you might modify the CSS like this:
  1. .product-container {
    width: 100%; /* This will make the product container full width */
    max-width: none; /* You might need to remove any max-width setting */
  2. Clear Cache: After making changes to the CSS, clear your PrestaShop cache to see the updated styling.
  3. Check Responsiveness: Make sure that the changes you’ve made do not negatively affect the responsiveness of your website on different devices. Test the product pages on various screen sizes to ensure everything looks good.
  4. Test Thoroughly: After applying the changes, navigate to different product pages and test how the products are displayed. Check for any layout issues or unexpected behaviors.
  5. Custom Theme Changes: If your PrestaShop theme has a dedicated option to enable full-width product display, you can check the theme’s documentation or settings to enable it.
  6. Consider Child Theme: If you’re making substantial changes to your theme’s CSS, it’s recommended to use a child theme. This way, your changes won’t be lost when the theme updates.

Remember, modifying CSS requires some technical knowledge. If you’re not comfortable with this, consider seeking assistance from a developer or someone experienced with PrestaShop theme customization to ensure that your changes are implemented correctly and don’t break your website’s design or functionality.

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