PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Prestashop how to change footer copyright message

In PrestaShop, you can change the footer copyright message by editing the theme’s template files. Here’s how:

Log in to your PrestaShop back-office and navigate to the “Design” menu.

Under the “Themes” sub-menu, select the theme that you want to edit.

Click on the “Edit HTML” button.

Locate the file called “footer. tpl” in the list of files and click on it to open it.

Look for the line of code that contains the current copyright message. It should look something like this:


<p>{l s=’Copyright ©’} {date date=’Y’} <a href=”{$link->getPageLink(‘index’, true)}”>{$shop_name}</a> {l s=’All rights reserved.’}</p>

Replace the text between the <p> tags with your desired copyright message.

Save the changes to the footer.tpl file.

The new copyright message should now appear on the footer of your site.


This process may vary depending on the theme you are using, so the location of the footer.tpl file or the way to edit it may be different.
If you are using a custom theme, you may need to edit the file in the theme’s folder located in the “themes” directory at the root of your PrestaShop installation.
It is also recommended to back up your site before making any changes.
Keep in mind that this process may affect the functionality of some modules, so make sure to check the site after the process and make any necessary adjustments.

This process allows you to update the copyright message in the footer of your website to reflect the current year or to reflect any other desired message.

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