PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Prestashop how to configure and use web services (API)

In PrestaShop, you can configure and use web services (API) to access data and perform operations on your site remotely. Here are the steps to configure and use web services in PrestaShop:

Log in to the back office of your PrestaShop site.
Go to the “Advanced Parameters” menu, and then select “Webservice” from the sub-menu.
In the “Webservice” section, you will find an “Enable PrestaShop’s webservice” option.
Select “Yes” to enable the webservice.
Click on “Add new webservice key” to create a new key for accessing the webservice.
Fill in the details for the new key, including the key name and the permissions for the key.
Click on “Save” to create the key.

You can now use the key to access the webservice and perform operations on your site remotely. You can use a client library or make HTTP requests directly to access the webservice. The most common way of accessing the webservice is using RESTful API.

Here’s an example of how to get a list of products using the webservice and the RESTful API:



You will receive a JSON response containing the list of products on your site.


Make sure that your server meets the system requirements for PrestaShop before using the web services.
Keep in mind that using web services can affect the performance of your site, so use them wisely and be mindful of the number of requests you make.
Be sure to keep your webservice key secret to prevent unauthorized access to your site.
Also, it is recommended to use SSL/TLS certificate in order to secure the communication between your client and the server.

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