PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Prestashop how to create a sitemap.xml file

To create a sitemap.xml file in PrestaShop, you can use a module or add the sitemap manually.

Use a module: There are several modules available in the PrestaShop Addons Marketplace that can generate a sitemap.xml file for your website. Simply install and configure the module to create your sitemap.

Manually create a sitemap: You can also manually create a sitemap.xml file for your website by following these steps:

Go to the root directory of your PrestaShop installation and create a new file named “sitemap.xml”
Add the necessary XML code to the file to define the structure of your sitemap
Add the URLs of your website’s pages to the sitemap
Make sure the sitemap is accessible by adding it to your robots.txt file.

Note: It’s important to keep your sitemap updated as you make changes to your website.

[31]. Prestashop How to manage tags

In PrestaShop, you can manage tags by following these steps:

Log in to the back office of your PrestaShop site.
Go to the “Catalog” menu, and then select “Tags” from the sub-menu.
In the “Tags” section, you will find a list of existing tags.
You can use the search bar to filter the list of tags by name.
To add a new tag, click on the “Add new tag” button.
Enter the name of the tag and click on “Save” to create the new tag.
To edit an existing tag, click on the “Edit” button next to the tag you want to edit.
Make the necessary changes and click on “Save” to update the tag.
To delete a tag, click on the “Delete” button next to the tag you want to delete.
In the prompt, confirm that you want to delete the tag.

You can also associate tags with products by going to the product editing page in the back office, and then adding the desired tags to the “Tags” field.

Additionally, you can also use the module Tag Manager which allows you to manage tags for products, and categorize and filter them.

Note: Be careful when deleting tags as it will also remove the association of the tag from the products.

About zohaibk

We develop useful addons for #E-Commerce and #CRM software to provide extra features.#PrestaShop,#Magento,#SugarCRM,#Vtiger & #Android #apps
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