PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Prestashop how to hide product attributes values in the URL

In PrestaShop, by default, product attribute values are included in the URL when a product is displayed. To hide these values in the URL, you can use the “Friendly URL” feature in the back office of your PrestaShop site.

Here are the steps to hide product attributes values in the URL:

Log in to the back office of your PrestaShop site.
Go to the “Preferences” menu and select “Search” from the sub-menu.
In the “Search” section, you will find a “Friendly URL” option.
Click on the “Friendly URL” button and select the option “No”
Click on the “Save” button.

By doing this, the attribute values will be removed from the URLs of your products and only the product name will be displayed in the URL.

Note: Keep in mind that this change may affect the search engine ranking of your products, as the attribute values will no longer be included in the URLs. Also, it is recommended to check the URLs after the change and make sure that the URLs are working correctly and that no 404 error is generated.

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