PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

PrestaShop how to install

Installing PrestaShop is a straightforward process, here is a general overview of the steps:

  1. Download the latest version of PrestaShop: Go to the PrestaShop website and download the latest version of the software.
  2. Upload the software to your server: Use an FTP client to upload the PrestaShop files to your server.
  3. Create a database: Create a new database for PrestaShop to use.
  4. Run the installation script: Point your browser to the location where you uploaded the PrestaShop files and run the installation script by accessing the URL.
  5. Configure the settings: During the installation process, you will be prompted to configure the settings for your store, such as the database connection, store information, and admin account.
  6. Complete the installation: Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.
  7. Configuration: After installation, you should configure the settings such as Payment, Shipping, Tax, and more.

It’s important to note that before installing PrestaShop, you should make sure that your server meets the minimum system requirements and that you have all the necessary information (such as your database credentials) ready.

It’s also important to back up your store’s files and database before the installation.

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