PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

PrestaShop How to remove a specific price in a single product?

In PrestaShop, you can remove a specific price for a single product by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop Admin Panel: You’ll need to access the back end of your PrestaShop store to make changes.
  2. Navigate to the Product Catalog: Go to the “Catalog” section in your PrestaShop admin panel.
  3. Find and Edit the Product: Locate the specific product for which you want to remove a price and click on it to edit.
  4. Access the Product Prices: In the product edit page, you’ll see a tab or section for “Prices” or “Price” depending on your PrestaShop version. Click on this tab to manage the product’s pricing.
  5. Remove the Specific Price:
    • Option 1: If the specific price you want to remove is listed in the “Specific Prices” section, locate the price entry you want to remove and delete it. You might need to click on an “Edit” button next to the specific price to access the delete option.
    • Option 2: If the specific price is related to combinations or attributes of the product, you’ll need to navigate to the “Combinations” or “Attributes” tab (again, depending on your PrestaShop version), and remove or edit the price from there.
  6. Save Changes: After you’ve removed the specific price, be sure to save the changes to the product.
  7. Clear Cache (if necessary): Sometimes, it’s a good practice to clear the PrestaShop cache to ensure that the changes take effect immediately. You can do this from the “Advanced Parameters” > “Performance” section in your admin panel.
  8. Test Your Store: To ensure that the specific price has been successfully removed, visit your store’s front end and view the product in question. The removed price should no longer be visible.

Remember that the exact steps and options may vary slightly depending on the version of PrestaShop you’re using. These instructions should give you a general idea of how to remove a specific price from a single product in PrestaShop. If you have any difficulties or encounter issues specific to your PrestaShop version, consider consulting the official PrestaShop documentation or seeking assistance from the PrestaShop community or support.

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