PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

PrestaShop module upgrade

When upgrading modules in PrestaShop, you typically follow these steps:

  1. Backup: Before starting any upgrade process, it’s crucial to back up your entire PrestaShop installation, including the database and files.
  2. Check Compatibility: Ensure that the module you’re upgrading is compatible with your PrestaShop version. Check the module’s documentation or contact the developer for compatibility information.
  3. Download New Version: Download the latest version of the module from the official PrestaShop Addons Marketplace or from the developer’s website.
  4. Disable Module: In your PrestaShop back office, go to Modules > Module Manager, and disable the module you want to upgrade.
  5. Upload New Version: Upload the new version of the module to your PrestaShop installation. You can do this via the Module Manager by clicking on the “Upload a module” button.
  6. Install New Version: After uploading the new version, click on the “Install” button next to the module in the Module Manager to install the upgraded version.
  7. Configuration: Once the module is installed, configure any settings or options as needed. Some modules may require you to reconfigure settings after upgrading.
  8. Test: Test the functionality of the upgraded module thoroughly to ensure everything is working as expected.
  9. Enable Module: Finally, enable the upgraded module in the Module Manager.

These steps should help you successfully upgrade a module in PrestaShop. If you need more specific guidance or have any questions about a particular module, feel free to ask!

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