The Negative Effects Depression Had on My Relationship I guess I should start this right at the end. My boyfriend and I broke up because my depression was just too hard for him to handle. I had depressive episodes that were struggling for both me and him that played a crucial role in the destruction of our relationship together. I know that it he finally came to the conclusion that if I was not willing to take active steps in helping fight my depression, our relationship would never improve.
He was no longer willing to take on my moods as his own. He realized that by staying in the relationship could drag him into a deep depression which was someplace he did not want to go. He was very kind, but firm in the fact that he was not going to move forward in our relationship together. He had spent years working on the negativity between the two of us that was a direct result of my depressive feelings.
What was so odd about our relationship is that I was not willing to work on it because I was not willing to work on myself. It was only after he left that I was able to see what I was doing wrong, and that I could take steps to manage my depression and get healthier.
After spending months of feeling suicidal, at the thought of ending our relationship, I finally decided that it was time to start treating myself better. I visited the doctor who diagnosed me with clinical depression and immediately put me on anti-depression drugs. At first there was no noticeable change. However, after a month I was starting to feel better, less depressed, and could see myself coming out of my dilemma.
The doctor recommended that I start eating a healthier diet, lose weight, and begin exercising. She was kind enough to prepare a healthy diet menu for me so that I could see exactly what I was supposed to be consuming. I gave up all the sugary foods, high-fat foods, and went mainly on a high quality complex carbohydrate diet. I needed to give up my obsession with drinking sodas, which was challenging at first.
I started exercising every day. While the doctor recommended that I work out at least three times a week, I recognized that if I missed one day, it would be an excuse not to work out the next day too. I started walking 30 minutes every day, which was an extreme challenge, because I was so overweight. But in time, I started losing weight, feeling better, and working out harder.
It is now been one year since my relationship between my boyfriend and myself ended. I have lost a significant amount of weight, through better eating and exercise, which is helped improve my self-esteem.
Although my relationship with my boyfriend no longer exists, I realize the problems that I was causing myself and him, which led to the demise of our time together. I know now that the negative effects I created from my depression was devastating on him and me. However, I have changed all that for myself for the future.