The Way To A Lean Muscle Body Some people are naturally tall, thin and in our mind lean. Others spend years at the gym building their muscle so much that they can no longer put their arms at their sides. On the other hand, combine the two and you get what the majority of the general public is aiming for, lean muscle.
First, you need to abide to a diet that is high in protein, carbohydrates and fat. When we say fat, we’re not talking about Doritos and Ding Dongs. Believe it or not there are good fats; nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados. If you combine a high protein, complex carbs and healthy fats you’re headed in the right direction.
This leads us to our second point, the spacing of your meals. Your muscles need to be well supplied and filled with nutrients to keep up your energy. So it’s best to space your meals between two and three hours apart, adding a tomato or an apple as a midday snack.
Another essential to building lean muscle is to keep hydrated by consistently drinking water. It’s best to have between eight to ten glasses of water a day. Avoid coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks since they actually dehydrate you and pull you further away from your ultimate goal.
Using compound exercises you can build muscle quickly. Compound exercises would include using more than one muscle group and more than one joint range movement. For example, a pushup would be a compound exercise since it involves several muscle groups and more than one simple movement. Other compound exercises that you could include would be lunges, deadlifts and bench presses. You should do 4-6 reps and 5-7 sets of each exercise.
Schedule a solid and consistent exercise routine. A good exercise routine can burn a lot of calories with cardiovascular cardio which would include running, swimming or cycling. If you focus on an exercise that you enjoy the likelihood of you actually accomplishing it will be greater. Aim for 25-35 minutes of cardio three times a week on the opposite days of your weight training days.
This next one is surprising but true, you need to de-stress yourself. If you have high levels of stress it releases hormones that actually damage your muscles. When you’re at school or work and your heart rate is high, more than likely you’re too stressed to build lean muscle. Sit back and take a deep breath, learn to relax. It’s helpful if you map out your day and get up with enough time in the morning that you are not chasing the clock the rest of the day.
Finally you need to rest your muscles after all that hard work. It’s recommended that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Your muscles will need that down time to rebuild and get ready for your next big day at the gym or on the treadmill.
So if you combine all of the above and keep a positive attitude you will shortly see the results of your labor.