Using Responsive Web Design When coming up with a new site design it is usually a problem to ensure that your site will display well across the various internet access devices that are currently in use. Until fairly recently, people would do this by categorizing each user on the basis of the type of device that is being used to access the site. For example you may have different classifications for smartphones, iPads, desktops, and others. Site visitors could then be redirected on the basis of the type of access device they were using to a site that was designed to display well on this type of device.
This technique worked reasonably well at furnishing users with a site version that would display well on their access device, however, there were still associated problems. For instance, quite often there were device identification problems. Additionally, there would frequently be problems accessing the same functionality on mobile devices as desktop users had. Since several web sites had to be maintained there was additional time and effort spent on site maintenance and SEO efforts were hampered because there were several sites with different URLs.
For these reasons, techniques of device detection were becoming unmanageable. This device recognition technique became even more complex with the rapidly increasing types of devices that were used to access the internet. There are now a wide array of devices with large variations in resolution and display areas, making it extremely difficult to classify all devices properly.
These difficulties have given rise to a collaboration of designers to come up with a new technique for displaying content on all types of platforms that would alleviate many of these problems. New sites that have a responsive design have eliminated the device detection method and it has been replaced with a responsive design methodology. Designers have come up with a new software tool that will use the resolution of the accessing device to provide content based on the resolution of a device.
When you have a responsive web site it will react to the user’s display width without attempting to identify the type of accessing device. The site’s content will be adapted to render itself on a display of a given resolution in a fashion that will be dictated by the site’s designer. This adaptation will make use of the the same pages, links, and URLs for every accessing device.
Almost everyone now realizes that tablets and mobile devices will soon overcome desktops as the primary internet accessing devices. Consequently, it is of the utmost importance that your site is able to be clearly displayed on a wide range of devices. Creating a new design, or updating your existing site with a responsive design is likely to be the most effective approach to rectifying this problem.
A large number of mobile devices are proliferating at a very rapid rate. If you need to reach an increasingly diverse audience you will have to ensure that your business’s site will work well with a large number of devices. If you choose not to do this your site will be missing out on the majority of users accessing the web.