Home Business Guide

Why Having A Home Business Is Wonderful

Why Having A Home Business Is Wonderful I’ve never been a following type of person. I’m also not into the leadership side of business. So, there has never been any appeal of working a nine to five job for a fixed wage, whether I’m taking orders or giving them. Oh, I have dabbled in employment before. I’ve worked the retail part time jobs and even worked teaching English overseas. Neither were for me. I’ve always been someone who dreamed of owning their own business and working from home.

Luckily, that is a reality now. Using my Internet savvy and writing skills, I have become a fulltime freelance writer and fiction author. They go hand in hand. The freelance writing pays the bills while the fiction writing stimulates my brain. I guess you could say one pays for the other. Trust me when I say there is nothing more satisfying than using your own skills to make a living, even if it’s a modest one.

There are many things I love about working from home at my own business. The biggest one is that I get to set my own schedule. No longer do I have to get up at awful hours in the morning; instead, I go to bed at them. That’s right, I’m nocturnal. I’m early to bed and late to rise. I find I am my most productive in the dark hours of the night, when the world is asleep and I’m left to do my own thing. Sure, my family thinks it’s nuts, but they’re used to it by now. They know not wake me when most of the world is doing its thing.

The other wonderful thing is that I report to no one but myself, and I am not responsible for anyone else either. I am the master of my own destiny, and the only people I pay are subcontractors, if they factor in at all. My entire business is done online. I like having everything be electronic since it keeps my work area clean and I don’t have to pay for any overhead.

Let us also not forget another big positive to having a home business: the uniform. Or complete lack thereof. I can work naked if I want. I don’t, but I could if I wanted. I usually work in my sweats and PJs instead. The more comfortable I am, the more productive I am likely to be.

I mentioned before setting my own schedule. I work about twelve hour days. Not all at once, though. I get to take as many breaks as I want, but I am responsible for making sure the work gets done eventually. This is not a job for people who need to be held accountable by someone else. Luckily I have no issue with setting my own schedule. I am happiest working for fifteen minutes and then breaking for another fifteen. Those retail jobs never let me do that!

My home business has been the greatest thing that could’ve happened in my adulthood. I can’t imagine my life without it. Well, I can, but it’s pretty miserable looking.

About zohaibk

We develop useful addons for #E-Commerce and #CRM software to provide extra features.#PrestaShop,#Magento,#SugarCRM,#Vtiger & #Android #apps
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