PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Magento how to configure new order emails

In Magento, new order emails are sent to customers and store administrators when a new order is placed on the website. These emails include information such as the customer’s order details, shipping information, and order total.

Here is a general outline of the steps to configure new order emails in Magento:

  1. Go to the Magento backend: Log in to the Magento backend and navigate to “System” -> “Configuration”.
  2. Select the “Sales” tab: Under the “Sales” tab, select “Sales Emails”.
  3. Configure the email settings: Under the “New Order” section, you can configure the recipient of the new order email, the sender name and email address, and the template used for the email.
  4. Customize the email template: If you want to customize the email template, you can go to “System” -> “Transactional Emails” and select the “New Order” template to edit the design and content of the email.
  5. Test the email: After configuring the email settings, it is important to test the email to make sure that it is working properly and that the email template is correctly configured.
  6. Save the changes: Once you have completed the configuration and testing, be sure to save the changes before leaving the configuration page.

It is important to note that you can also configure additional emails for different order statuses, such as “Processing” or “Complete”, by following similar steps in the backend.

In summary, configuring new order emails in Magento involves going to the backend, selecting the Sales Emails under the Sales Tab, and configuring the recipient, sender name and email, and email template. Users can also customize the email template, test the email and save the changes before leaving the configuration page. It is also possible to configure additional emails for different order statuses following similar steps in the backend.

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