®Magento Tutorials

Magento how to configure the SSL settings and enable SSL for all store pages

In Magento, you can configure the SSL settings and enable SSL for all store pages to secure the data transmission between the web server and the client. Here are the steps to configure the SSL settings and enable SSL for all store pages in Magento:

Obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) and install it on your web server.

Log into the Magento admin panel.

Go to System > Configuration > Web.

In the “Secure” tab, set “Use Secure URLs in Frontend” and “Use Secure URLs in Admin” to “Yes”

In the “Base URLs” section, change “Base URL” and “Base Link URL” to “HTTPS”

In the “Base URLs (Secure)” section, change “Base Secure URL” and “Base Link URL (Secure)” to “HTTPS”

Click on the “Save Config” button.

Clear your Magento cache by going to System > Cache Management and refreshing the cache.

Test your website to ensure that all pages are being served via HTTPS.

Note: If you’re using Magento 2, you should check the documentation for more details on how to configure the SSL settings and enable SSL for all store pages.

Also, you should make sure that your web server is configured to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS, to ensure that all pages are accessed via a secure connection.

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