Home Business Guide

Pet Sitting A Great Home Business

Pet Sitting: A Great Home Business If you are among the many people in today’s workforce who are looking for a way to work from the comfort and convenience of home, you may be ready to take the plunge, but unaware of where to start. There are many choices available for a lucrative home business, however, many demand hefty start-up fees, or investment. If you want to start a home business, but you don’t have a lot of cash to put out, pet-sitting could be the perfect business for you. Below, you will find some tips and advice about how to start a pet-sitting business of your own.

First Things First

The first step to starting a pet-sitting business is getting a business license. This has become simpler than ever, as you can go to your state’s website, and apply online. Your business license will be mailed right to your home. An insurance bond is wise, as well, to protect you in case of an accident.


You will need to determine what services you want to provide as a pet-sitter. Will you be offering your home as a doggy daycare? Or, do you want to sit at other people’s homes? Some of the services you can offer include: letting pets out for potty breaks, feeding pets while their owners are away, dog-walking, waste removal and overnight care. Come up with some package deals to help your customers save money by choosing multiple services.


If you do not have a good advertising plan, you may not get the clientele you are hoping for. Design, and print out, some informative flyers and business cards. Include your name, business license number and phone number, along with the services you offer. Then think of the best places to advertise your business. A great place to get your name out there is at local veterinarian offices, where people with pets go daily. Try advertising with local pet clubs, such as agility groups, or kennel clubs. Don’t forget to drop off some information at bulletin boards in grocery stores, feed stores, and pet shops.

Home Visits

Once people begin to call about your services, offer them a free home visit, so that you can get to know them and their pets. If they want to hire you, take notes about their pet’s habits, feeding and walking times. Go over prices at this time, and come up with a sound plan for their pet care.


It will be vital that you keep a detailed schedule of appointments, so that you do not get overwhelmed, or over-booked. Keep a schedule book with a page for each pet, including any special requests, or information the owners have.


Be sure to send a monthly statement to each client, outlining each service provided, and the corresponding prices. Be firm about timely payments, but be flexible if circumstances arise, and show your customer service abilities!

As you can see, pet-sitting can be a fun, and lucrative, home business that requires very little financial output to start. If you love animals, and want to work from home, try pet-sitting for a great opportunity!

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