PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

Prestashop blog modules configuration and use. smartblog and xpertblog

PrestaShop has several blog modules available, such as SmartBlog and XpertBlog, that can be used to add a blog to your website. Here are the general steps to configure and use these modules:

Install the SmartBlog or XpertBlog module in your PrestaShop website. You can find these modules by searching for them in the “Modules” section of the back office.

Once the module is installed, you will need to configure it. This will typically involve setting up the basic settings for the blog, such as the title and description, as well as creating categories for your blog posts.

Once the module is configured, you can create new blog posts by going to the “Blog” section in the back office of your website.

You can also set up commenting systems for the blog, such as Facebook comments or Disqus, by going to the module settings and connecting the commenting system.

If you are using SmartBlog, you can also set up a slider for the homepage.

For XpertBlog, there’s a feature for Social media sharing, SEO optimization, and more.

You can also customize the look and feel of the blog by editing the templates and CSS files in the module’s folder.

Please note that these instructions are a general guide, as the exact process may vary depending on the version of the module you are using. It’s always a good idea to read the documentation or watch the video tutorials before installing the module.

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