PrestaShop Documentation, PrestaShop Tutorials

PrestaShop how to upgrade

Upgrading PrestaShop can be done in several steps. Here’s a general guide to follow:

  1. Backup your store: Before you begin the upgrade process, it’s essential to make a backup of your store’s files and database. This ensures that you can revert to the previous version in case anything goes wrong during the upgrade.
  2. Check System Requirements: Make sure your hosting environment meets the system requirements for the latest version of PrestaShop.
  3. Download the latest version: You can download the latest version of PrestaShop from the official website.
  4. Deactivate Modules: Deactivate all third-party modules in your PrestaShop store. These modules can cause compatibility issues during the upgrade process.
  5. Replace the Files: Replace all the files in your store’s root directory with the new files from the latest version of PrestaShop.
  6. Upgrade the Database: Run the database upgrade script to update your store’s database schema to the latest version.
  7. Reactivate Modules: After upgrading the database, reactivate your third-party modules one by one and check if they are compatible with the new version of PrestaShop.
  8. Test your store: Thoroughly test your store after the upgrade to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Note: Before starting the upgrade process, it’s recommended to check the official PrestaShop documentation for specific version upgrades, as the process may differ based on the version you’re upgrading from and to.

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