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PrestaShop Managing your Orders

PrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce platform that allows users to create and manage an online store. One of the key features of PrestaShop is its ability to manage orders.

When an order is placed on a PrestaShop store, the user can view the details of the order in the back-office of the store. This includes information such as the customer’s name and shipping address, the products ordered, and the total cost of the order. The user can also update the status of the order, such as marking it as paid or shipped.

Additionally, PrestaShop allows users to generate invoices and packing slips for orders, which can be printed or sent to customers via email. The user can also track the delivery of the order, and receive notifications when the order status changes.

In summary, PrestaShop allows the user to manage orders in a comprehensive and efficient way, including order details, status update, invoice and packing slip generation, delivery tracking and notifications.

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