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PrestaShop Shipping Method

In PrestaShop, shipping methods refer to the ways in which products are delivered to customers after they have placed an order. PrestaShop provides several built-in shipping methods that can be enabled and configured in the back office of the store. Some examples of shipping methods include:

  • Free shipping: This method allows the store owner to offer free shipping on certain products or orders that meet certain criteria.
  • Flat rate shipping: This method charges a fixed amount for shipping, regardless of the weight or size of the products.
  • Weight-based shipping: This method charges shipping costs based on the total weight of the products in the order.
  • Carrier-based shipping: This method uses shipping carriers, such as UPS, FedEx, or DHL, to calculate and display real-time shipping rates to customers.

PrestaShop also allows users to create custom shipping methods using the Shipping module. Users can create custom shipping methods by specifying the destinations, costs, and other details of the shipping method.

Additionally, PrestaShop also allows users to set up multiple shipping methods for different regions, and to configure different handling fees and taxes for different shipping methods.

In summary, PrestaShop provides several built-in shipping methods and allows users to create custom shipping methods, and set up multiple shipping methods for different regions, handling fees and taxes.

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