The Little Things That Can Devalue Your Home If you are in the market to sell your home, you know that your property has thousands of others competing for a quick sale. Some homes are situated in better neighborhoods, and others are in better condition. There are numerous factors that determine how quickly your home will sell. Consider the things below that can devalue your home and prevent you from selling or getting your asking price.
A highly customized home or one in need of too many repairs will be harder to sell. It is much easier to sell a home that is suited to a large variety of tastes. If your home can suit a large population of individuals, you will have an easier time selling it than if it were a highly customized home. The more people want to purchase a home like yours, the better your chances of making a quick sale.
The location and condition of your home are two of the most important factors that can dictate its value. Your home’s value can also be affected by the number of individuals looking to purchase in a given neighborhood as well as the quality of the local school district.
What your neighbor does can in fact depreciate the value of your home. For example, if your neighbor paints his or her house the color of seasick green, it can in fact become a turnoff to potential buyers. The same can be said about having noisy businesses nearby. Most potential buyers will not buy a home in a neighborhood that has unappealing homes or noisy businesses nearby.
Having a well-cared-for lawn is important to potential buyers, but a lawn that features plants that require a lot of maintenance can become a turnoff. Plants that hang into your neighbor’s yard and create a mess, or plants that can actually affect the structural foundation of your home can affect your home’s value.
Your home should be painted a neutral tone such as cream or beige to appeal to a widespread range of individuals. A color consultant can help you make the right decision if you are ever unsure.
Don’t choose paint that is either textured or glossy when painting the interior of your home. Much like with the exterior, having an interior that is too custom can depreciate the value of your property. Choose a matte color that is neutral and can appeal to a wide range of individuals.
Always ask for professional guidance before choosing to remodel any given part of your home. A good remodeling project can add value to your home, but there are plenty that can actually hinder the value. Get the suggestions of local realtors and designers in order to consider which projects are a good decision to increase your home’s market value.
Selling your home in a poor economy is no easy task. Some homes sell faster than others and there is always a widespread range of reasons as to why. This article has discussed some ways that you can devalue your home, but if you just refrain from doing these things, you are on your way to making a quick sale!