What It Truly Takes To Succeed In Internet Marketing If you’re trying to make a full-time income from internet marketing, you should know that success in this endeavor takes a lot more than technical skill and knowledge on building and managing websites. In this article, we will talk about the most important skills you need to have in order to make consistent income from Internet marketing.
1. Knowledge on buying cycles
If you get this right, you can sell practically any product in any market. There are roughly three stages to the buying cycle: awareness, consideration and purchase. When people are aware about a certain product, they will almost automatically consider if the product is for them and will buy it after some thought.
Even when you only understand the basics of the buying cycle, it will dramatically change the way you do things. For example, if you’re using Google search information marketing as your method for reaching out to customers, you will be narrowing your efforts so that you’re only targeting keywords that are in the so-called purchase stage of the buying cycle, thus giving you more buck for your effort.
2. Knowledge about customer’s hot buttons
Despite what you might think, people actually buy on impulse then justify their purchase after. So what makes people buy? Emotional reasons or hot buttons. It could be that they feel the product is going to make them feel good or make their loved ones happy. Alleviating pain is also another reason why people buy. The common belief is that people buy on emotion and then justify their purchase afterward. If you know your customers’ hot buttons, it’s easy enough to make a sale.
3. Studying a marketing method and sticking to it
There are many ways that you can do Internet Marketing: you can do Facebook ads, search engine information marketing or Search Engine Optimization, advertising on different websites through ad networks.
Any one of those methods can earn you money, but you can also lose a lot if you’re not careful. Which is why before you do Internet marketing full time, make sure you study any of the methods we mentioned earlier and stick to it until you make money. Many beginning and intermediate Internet marketers make the mistake of hopping from one method to another, or chasing one shiny object and then another, and complain about losing money with no sales to show for it, or not losing money but not making any either. Don’t make this mistake, your life will be more peaceful and profitable that way.
In all, Internet marketing is one real method of earning income from the Internet. It’s better than a regular sales job because you can sell different products in different markets. Also, you’re not pressured to reach any sales quota (Read: You won’t have any sales manager breathing down your neck).
However, make no mistake, there is a learning curve to it and it may take some time before you make any sales. Just be patient, and just know that if you consistently exert effort, you will get there.