Mobile Marketing Guide

Why Mobile Marketing Works

Why Mobile Marketing Works Mobile marketing works because you can reach out to customers at anytime. There isn’t any other form of marketing that allows you to do that. TV, Radio, Billboards, Signs and other forms of marketing rely on the consumer being somewhere to here or see your advertisement. With mobile marketing you can text thousands of customers at one time and tell them why they should come to your business right now.

I use to do mobile marketing for a restaurant. I managed their mobile list and every 2 days, before lunch time I would message our 2000 number list about the lunch special. Our client saw an increase in sales the first week we did this– that is the power of mobile marketing. You can reach customers when you need to.

This works for any business. Most businesses love this form of marketing because it puts them in control, they can send out specials and coupons, and watch their businesses become packed with people.

Even night club promoters are starting to use this method to pack nigh clubs. Every Friday and Saturday night they send out texts to their lists so that people will know what’s going on. They can advertise acts, specials and lady nights directly to customers.

So how does one create a text marketing list. There are two ways to get a list. The first way is to purchase a list from a data company. These lists are great for a shotgun marketing approach where you just want to shoot out as many messages and hope for the best.

The second way to create a text marketing list is to capture the cellphone number of your customers, this can be done in many ways. You can request that every time they visit, you can use codes that they can text that will automatically add them to your list. What ever way you do it, this is the best way to create a list.

The list that you create yourself will be of a greater quality than one you can purchase because these are people who live in your area and who are likely to visit your business again. They already know you, you already have a relationship. Some businesses will use some sort of offer based text capturing promotion to create their text message list. They will use some sort of short code, dial xxxxxxx for a 10% discount and they will use this to send future text messages.

As you can see, mobile marketing is the future of direct marketing. People keep the cell phones and smart phones on their person almost 24 hours a day. This form of marketing gives you instant access to your customers when you need to contact them. You do not need to leave it up to happenstance or them seeing an advertisement. Mobile marketing puts the power in the business owners hands where he can market based on his or her immediately needs. Give mobile marketing a try.

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