Getting Started With Network Marketing I wanted to get involved in network marketing because I had heard for a long time that it was a good way to get started making money at home. I didn’t know much about it, so I had to hop online to do some research.
From what I learned, I realized that there are two ways to make money with network marketing. One way is to sell the product of the company you are working with. The other way to make money is to recruit people to do their own selling, and because they are your downline, you get a percentage of their business as well.
Both of those ways sounded like a solid way to make money, but I knew I had to pick the right company and product. I saw enough terrible tales online to know that if I didn’t pick the right product or company, I would be making things harder for myself. After all, if I had a hard time selling the product, my downline would have a hard time selling the product, which would mean very little money for any of us. Not only that, but if I chose the wrong company, I would have to battle the reputation of the company when trying to recruit people in my downline.
I also made sure to check out the commission structure of the companies I looked into. I wanted to make sure that I would be fairly compensated, nad that I wuld be able to make a good amount of money through my downline.
Another thing that was important to me was that I had help. I was just getting into network marketing, and I knew I would need help. I wanted to make sure there was a procedure in place to help me navigate the business. That would of course help the people I was recruiting, so I was really serious about making sure that whatever company I joined would be able to offer me solid training.
When I finally settled on a company, I took some time to find the right person to sign up under. This was a challenge, because a lot of people in network marketing use the same company websites and it’s tough to know who will help people in their downline. I finally went to Youtube, where it’s possible to see network marketers “in person”, and that helped me a lot.
I narrowed down my choices, and then I called a few people on the phone. After I was satisfied that I would get the help I needed, I signed up under a great guy who has been a lot of help to me.
I know a lot of people don’t go through that kind of process when signing up for network marketing, but perhaps they should! I have been doing great and my downline is doing pretty well too. I am so happy with the product I’ve chosen and I’m so glad I’m able to do this kind of work.