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Magento Google Instant Indexing API Integration Module

Google Indexing API allows websites to notify Google when they add, update or remove pages on their site in order to make Googlebot update its index. This way, Google schedules new crawls, keeping up to date with your content on SERPs, which improves your Website traffic. Below we highlight some of the things you can do with the indexing API.

Thanks to integrating the Indexing API, you can send a URL to Google and ask for it to be indexed. This way, you’ll speed up the indexing process of any page you want.

You can perform the following actions using the Google Indexing API:

Update a URL: Let Google know you have a new URL or updated content on your Website so it can crawl it ASAP.
Remove a URL: Notify Google that you have deleted a URL on your site. This way, Google will de-index the page and won’t waste your crawl budget on it.
Get the status of a request: Check the last notification you sent to Google about a specific URL.
Send batch indexing requests: You can send up to 100 calls in one request asking to update, index, or eliminate your pages. This reduces the number of HTTP connections you have to make.

Proper website indexing allows search engines to see all of your important pages and gives your site a major boost. It can even send you on your way to page one.

Indexing is how search engines organize the information and the websites that they know about. Indexing is part of a normal search engine process – arguably the most important because content that is not in the index has no possibility of ranking for a search result.

A page is indexed by Google if it has been visited by the Google crawler (“Googlebot”), analyzed for content and meaning, and stored in the Google index. Indexed pages can be shown in Google Search results (if they follow Google’s webmaster guidelines).

Indexing is used to optimize the performance of a database by minimizing the number of disk accesses required when a query is processed. The index is a type of data structure. It is used to locate and access the data in a database table quickly.

The benefits of index investing include low cost, requiring little financial knowledge, convenience, and provides diversification

IndexNow is an open-source protocol that allows website publishers to instantly index across participating search engines, updating results based on the latest content changes. Simply put, it’s a simple ping that notifies search engines that a URL and its content have been added, updated, or deleted

Indexing is the process of storing web pages in the index – a search engine’s database. It is a necessary step before you can see your website on Google. And on average, 16% of valuable pages on popular websites aren’t indexed. This SEO issue is a critical business problem for your entire organization

Instant indexing refers to the direct or very fast recording of URLs of a website into the search index of search engines so that content can be found by users. There are different strategies and methods to provide a Website, URL, or new media content to a search engine. Accordingly, the time span Google will need to include content in its databases varies as well. Depending on the search engine, this can take between a few hours, several days, or even weeks.

Indexing can only be classified as Instant Indexing, Immediate Indexing, or On-Demand Indexing when

A mechanism is used to add new content to the index faster than the conventional crawlers and the website with the new content is already known to the search engine. In other words, other content on the website has already been indexed.

Typically, Google crawls new sites and content by utilizing the already existing index. The Crawler visits the links it already knows and finds new links that are still unknown to it. If a link to a new site is placed on another site, the crawler would also follow this link to index the new content. The same is true for ping services, which give search engines a short ping signal. This is used with blogs for fast indexing. Also, Traffic from social media or backlinks can indicate new links to search engines. However, in the case of instant indexing, a different approach is used, which is intended for web projects that constantly provide new content. For example, news sites or sports magazines can be registered as publishers and these will be shown in the vertical search under News with current content, which corresponds in principle to Instant Indexing, but there are nevertheless some differences.

This type of credential is also used as part of instant indexing in the custom search. Necessary prerequisites are proven ownership of a website and a Google account in Webmaster Tools

Google takes it one step further with the Real-Time Indexing API. Current and, above all, relevant content is supposed to be accessible to users in the Google search right after being posted. The API allows publishers to send their content directly to Google without having to do so manually in the Search Console. This minimizes the delays between the publication of a post and indexing by Google. According to Google, users want more up-to-date information on a variety of subjects. Immediate indexing is especially of benefit for news websites and brands whose content is focused on current events.

The topic of Instant Indexing has always been an area of speculation since Google has been established. Millions of new websites are launched every day and it seems virtually impossible for a search engine to promptly index all of this content. With Sitemaps and functions such as Fetch and Google, the time span is considerably shorter, but direct indexing or immediate indexing is not real in this context.[4] The custom search is, without a doubt, an exception. However, Instant Indexing is limited to the website itself. Current content is not displayed in the traditional Google search. The latest announcement by Google on the subject of Instant Indexing has left many experts intrigued. A real-time indexing API would save the publishers a lot of work and Google would feed current content from trustworthy websites directly into the system. The extent to which instant indexing would actually be instant will have to be seen in practice.

In order for your site’s contents to be included in the results of your custom search engine, they need to be included in the Google index. The Google index is similar to an index in a library, which lists information about all the books the library has available. However, instead of books, the Google index lists all of the web pages that Google knows about. When Google visits your site, it detects new and updated pages and updates the Google index.

To see which pages on your site are in the Google index, you can do a Google Web Search for “site:mywebsite.com”.

If you want more pages included in the Google index, use the Google Search Console to submit indexing requests. These requests will change the index for both Google search and your search engine. In order for the Programmable Search Engine to recognize the indexing request, the site or URL pattern needs to be listed in the “Sites to search section” found in the Basics tab of the Setup section in the search engine configuration. Crawling and indexing may not happen immediately.

Google recommends using the Indexing API instead of sitemaps because the Indexing API prompts Googlebot to crawl your pages sooner than updating the sitemap and pinging Google.


– Feature to add different social media URLs from the admin panel easily
– Lightweight. (Smaller file size which loads faster.)
– Increase sales, conversion rates, and product promotions.
– Customer relationship improvement and management. Maintain existing customers & attract new customers
– Customers easily know about your products, services, events, and engagement in store
– Increase in sales and store traffic
– Maintain existing customers & Attract new customers.
– Specially designed for ®Magento
– Easy to set configuration and easy to use
– SEO friendly
– Lower marketing expenses, exposure to potential customers, and reach targeted audiences.
– Increase sales, conversion rates, and product promotions.
– The module works without making any changes in the existing files so that existing customization and theme change do not affect them it.

Technical Features

– Easy and Fast configuration
– Good Documentation
– Works with the latest versions of ®Magento 2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.7,2.8,2.9,3.0
– 24*7 Support
– Mobile, Tablet, and all devices compatible
– Multiple browsers compatibility(IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari,Chrome and Edge)
– We provide free technical and feature support in installation, and configuration, as well as access to updates available for this product.

Other :

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This will help increase self-confidence, improve service, and enhance the module as per requirements to improve it for different online stores.

Demo Links



Magento Marketplace URL => https://marketplace.magento.com/partner/shahabfk

Alternate module download URL => https://sfk-modules-shop.com

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