Mastering Network Marketing Mastering network marketing will not make you an overnight millionaire but it will keep you from going down the wrong path. If you have not noticed it is easy to go down the wrong path in network marketing. I call going down the wrong path as becoming a pest who has to run around and harass people to make money. Who really wants to be a pest? I don’t even believe in the direct marketing strategy that most network marketing people use. I find it to be inefficient and a waste of time. It also requires that you have a specific personality.
We know all about the wrong ways to do network marketing so what are the smarter ways to do network marketing. To me, the smarter way to do network marketing involves methods where you are not having to beat the pavement or do a lot of face to face work. As I said in the opening, I’m all about efficiency. A business that calls for you to spend hours meeting people face to face is not sustainable– No wonder they bring on so many network marketing agents to do all the work. The myth is that you are supposed to do the same with your downline. You need a downline to use a downline. How interesting…
One way to add efficiency to network marketing is to make an automatic marketing system. I do this by doing all my marketing on the internet. I never need people to face to face and I handle all aspects of my marketing on the internet. This has saved me from a lot of heartache and pain. My life is a lot easier this way. No more sitting in my car sweating bullets, trying to build up the confidence to approach people.
With the internet I can post 100’s of videos about my products, I can write and buy 100’s of articles about my products. With Google having over 100 million people use their search, someone is bound to find and need what I have to offer. I use the law of averages in my favor to earn money and to save time. You should also do this. I have friends who use social media to get their customers and you should too. The internet is the wave of the future and one of the best ways to promote yourself and your products.
As you can now see, network marketing can be easy when you throw out the old fashion ways of marketing. The whole direct sales model is garbage and it takes a skill set that most people do not possess. I know I don’t possess those extrovert skills that are needed to make them work. The internet gives you a better playing field and an opportunity to reach millions of people. It is a no brainer that the internet is better than any face to face method that takes up too much time and produces so little. Go to the internet and you will make money.