®Magento Tutorials

Shahab Khan Magento how to manage tags

To manage tags in Magento, you can use the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to Catalog > Tags.
  3. You will see a list of all existing tags. From here, you can perform the following actions:
    • Edit an existing tag by clicking on the tag name.
    • Delete an existing tag by clicking on the “Delete” link next to the tag name.
    • Add a new tag by clicking on the “Add New Tag” button.
  4. Once you have added or edited a tag, you will be able to configure the following options:
    • Tag Name: The name of the tag.
    • Status: Whether the tag is active or inactive.
    • Store: The store view to which the tag should be associated.
    • Base Popularity: The number of times the tag is used.
    • Tag Relation: The related tags to the current tag.
    • Customers Tagged Count: The number of customers who have used the tag.
    • Products Tagged Count: The number of products that have been tagged with this tag.
    • Save the tag by clicking on the “Save Tag” button.
  5. To associate products with a tag, go to the product page and in the product information section, you will find a field called “Product Tags” where you can add tags to the product.

Note: Keep in mind that the tags you create will only be visible to customers on the frontend if the theme you are using supports tags and has been configured to display them.

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